A Catalyst for





At Aspire, we empower individuals to embrace purpose and fulfillment through wellness entrepreneurship. We provide tools and support for personal growth and positive change.


Our vibrant community fosters meaningful connections among like-minded partners. Together, we engage in a collective mission to revolutionize the health and wellness industry. We unite in our commitment to make a lasting impact on the well-being of people around the globe.


Aspire seeks to elevate lives and create wellness leaders. Experience the transformative journey of personal growth and leadership in the wellness entrepreneurship industry. Aspire empowers you to reach new heights. Join us to make a lasting impact and elevate lives together.




Meet Kalene

I’m thrilled that you discovered my site! I firmly believe there are no coincidences, and you being here proves that you are meant to be. Like you, I’ve been on a search for something that aligns with my passions and sense of purpose.

I find immense joy in helping people realize their potential and become better versions of themselves.

Health and wellness have always intrigued me, despite my background in finance. I realized that we all possess unique gifts and talents, and until we find a platform to express them, we might feel unfulfilled. That’s what drove me to seek something that resonates with my passions.

I find immense joy in helping people realize their potential become a better version of themselves.
To me, it’s about recognizing the seeds of greatness within them and facilitating a better life experience.

As a child of God, I am a firm believer that each of us has a mission and a purpose to fulfil on this earth. Over the years, Zinzino has become the perfect platform for me to utilize my gifts and talents to assist others, develop leaders, make significant health shifts for customers, support entrepreneurs in building solid businesses, and create an impact beyond what I could ever have achieved in a corporate job.

Over the years, my struggles have been valuable points of learning and growth, providing evidence that I can genuinely say to you today, from the bottom of my heart, “You can do this!”




How It Started

The journey from Kalene’s perspective

Embracing a New Path

I embark on my corporate career and quickly realize that trading time for money is not the path I want to follow. Dissatisfied with my work, I begin searching for an alternative income stream and stumble upon my first network marketing company.

Seeking Fulfillment and Freedom

Despite not achieving much success in my first venture, I remain determined to find a way to replace my income and enjoy what I do every day. I join another network marketing company, driven by the desire for fulfillment and financial freedom.

A Quest for the Right Opportunity

With optimism, I join my third network marketing company, believing that this model holds the potential to create an alternative income stream that aligns with my personality and interests.

Persevering Through Challenges

Although the previous endeavor didn’t yield the desired results, I remain hopeful that my fourth company will be the breakthrough I’ve been seeking. I pour my heart and soul into it, experiencing some growth initially. However, the company repeatedly fails to fulfill its promises in 2019, leading me to question my suitability for the leveraged income business. At this time, I meet Dave through this company - a man of integrity and solid work ethic - who goes on to become a very dear friend.

Discovering Zinzino’s Promise

A turning point occurs when Dave introduces me to Zinzino. Initially, I feel hesitant due to past disappointments, but I trust Dave’s judgment and do my due diligence, whilst my family and I start using the Zinzino products. I witness the transformative power of these supplements, and my belief is reignited.

Transformation in South Africa

Zinzino enters the pre-launch phase in South Africa, coinciding with remarkable results for my family and I. I observe the company’s unique approach, unwavering support for customers and partners, and breakthrough product technology. In August 2020, fuelled by hope and belief, I register my first personal partner, sensing the potential for significant achievements with Zinzino.

Reaching New Heights as a Diamond

The South African market officially launches in November, and I achieve the rank of Diamond. Earning R71,000 in one month was something I never achieved in any of my previous direct-selling ventures. The realization dawns that I can help others achieve their financial goals, whether it’s a few hundred a month, or thousands.

Juggling Corporate and Zinzino Success

Balancing my full-time corporate job and my growing Zinzino business, I push forward and qualify as Director in November. Directors earn a six-figure income per month, and at this time I qualified for an all-expenses-paid trip to the Canary Islands! I’m profoundly grateful for the opportunities Zinzino provides. It enables me to create a lasting legacy for my family, transform my vision board into reality, and empower individuals to experience victory and freedom in their health and wealth.

The Birth of Aspire - A Dream Come True

Aspire comes to life, materializing my dream of establishing a community and platform where like-minded entrepreneurs can unlock their full potential and create significant, fulfilling, and rewarding ventures. It’s a culmination of years of searching and growth. In this transformative year, I take a leap of faith and resign from my corporate job. Now, I can devote my days to what I truly love. Zinzino is my forever company, and if anything you’ve read resonates with you, I invite you to join me and my partners on this extraordinary journey.

Our vision is to empower and support thousands of wellness entrepreneurs on their path to success while helping millions of customers achieve balance.

Follow along as we continue to write the Aspire story